New Zealand Rental models.undefined Tips:
Renting a models.undefined in New Zealand requires a driver's licence that is in English. If you have a licence in another language, you will need to produce it together with an official translation of the licence into English or present an International Driving Permit. These will be photocopied at pick-up.
When you rent a models.undefined in New Zealand, you will be required to sign a rental agreement. You will have the opportunity at that time to change your insurance from basic insurance to one of two other options EZU will offer you. Basic insurance is included in the rental price. Basic insurance means that in the event of an accident, the renter will have to pay an excess. This can be substantial so please check out what your risk is before you accept basic cover only.
Like most rental models.undefined companies, you will be required to leave a security deposit on the models.undefined when you rent from EZU. How much this is depends on the insurance option you choose. It can be as little as $1.00 or as much as $3000. This security deposit takes the form of a pre-authorisation on your credit card, which is released as soon as you return the vehicle without damage or other outstanding charges.
A rental in New Zealand is charged according to the number of days booked. Each day is calculated in 24-hour periods, not calendar days. The hirer must provide a credit card in the name of the main driver and sign the rental agreement before the pick-up.
EZU's branch in New Zealand will discuss any pre-existing damage they are aware of with your vehicle when they hand over the keys to your rental vehicle. EZU takes photos of all pre-existing damage and files it against your booking. We suggest you check the vehicle also and take photos for your own record. You can also talk to the friendly staff about anything you are concerned about.
The fuel policy at EZU is the same as most rental models.undefined companies. We give you the vehicle full of fuel and ask that you return it full at the end of your hire. This way you only pay for the fuel you have used.
Returning your rental models.undefined is easy. Fill it up with fuel and remove your personal goods from the vehicle. Please return the models.undefined to the place agreed at the time of pick-up - usually the local branch. If you need to change this, please ring and explain what you would like to change. After drop-off, EZU will check the vehicle and take you to the front door of the airport terminal. Please note: there are sometimes special procedures that apply outside of usual business hours. You need to make these arrangements when you pick up your rental.
What charges can you expect after your hire when you return the rental models.undefined to the New Zealand branch? Some of these may be taken from the credit card number you leave with the branch because the branch may only become aware of the charge after the customer has left:
- Fuel charge: If you have not filled the vehicle up to the same level as when you were given it, you will be expected to pay the difference and a service fee will apply.
- Excess for any damage: This depends on which insurance option your chose when you picked up the rental models.undefined. If there is no damage, there is no charge!
- Police and parking fines: These often come in after the customer leaves the branch, but you are expected to pay them. There is an administration fee of $20 for parking fines and $50 for Police speeding fines. If you are aware of a pending fine, we suggest you settle it directly to save you these fees.